Water Tubing in Siitan River

This was our text exchange, a few days before Quirino trip.

Friend:  We need to pay additional Php100 for water tubing.

Me: What is that?

Friend: It’s similar to white water rafting, except that we will ride tube instead.

Me: Okay.Do you want to do it?

Friend: Yes! 🙂

Me: Okay, if you’re up for it, I’m on it! (I replied without hesitation)

Water tubing is an exciting activity wherein you ride on top of a tube on flowing water.

I didn’t try to Google it. I didn’t even thought about it that night.  I set  my mind not to expect anything from this trip because it had been weird communicating with the Travel agency.They were not organized and were not consistent in giving instructions, but then we have to trust them.

Until that morning in the junction, when the people at the registration recommended doing the water tubing first instead of river cruising by boat, I had that big swallow inside my mouth (oh, okay). I pretended to be calm and excited as we walk our way down the riverbank. Water activities often give me that thump-thumping fast heartbeat because I can’t swim. Yet I repeatedly expose myself to this kind of thrill (how crazy is that?).

Everyone was excited! They picked up their gears (helmet and life vest) and the tube to take photos of themselves, and most likely update their status on Facebook and show how cool their day was at Nagtipunan, Quirino. I picked up mine, after most of them were done. I let them do everything first while silently studying what’s about to happen next.

Vest and tube selection [photo by Ronald]
Vest and tube selection [photo from Ronald‘s album]

One of the boatmen oriented us on how to do the water tubing activity. He only gave two instructions – First is to ride the tube in an inclined sitting position and then raise both feet as you reach the rapids to avoid hurting yourself from the rocks. It sounded simple, but I didn’t really realized that until I hopped on the tube. Surprisingly, I felt relaxed and my mind suddenly drifted away from all anxieties.

On my way to the rapids!
On my way to the rapids! [Photo from Cheryl’s camera]

I tried to paddle towards the rest of the group using my hands, but I’m not moving an inch so I asked one of the boatmen to tie up my tube to his and he led me to the rapids. I was behind the group at first, but my guide was fast, moving our tubes as if we were racing with the others. So I became ahead of everyone else and I missed being captured in photos. My guide must be on a high.

Moments later, I reached the exciting part of the river – rapids here I come! My guide reminded me to put my feet up as we pass through the rapids. I felt high and calm at the same time. I was surprised that I wasn’t too scared at all. It was like the water held me naked from my worries, while it softly moved me in a flash!

Siitan River is actually calm at the time I visited and experienced water tubing. The rapids were lightly intensive. Thrill-seekers may be left hanging on anticipation of an extreme adventure. But for me, this is already a stride of bravery.

The water tubing experience is a risk worth taking; a treasure awaits at the end of the rapids! You will never know what you’ll get until you give it a try. The result may be a disaster or a reward you’ve been waiting for. Either way, our ultimate goal is not to pass up on chances and regret!

So why wait? Get Out Dear and get a splash of excitement through water tubing!

A Journey to the Unknown: Quirino Province

Quirino Province

Quirino – the sound of its name does not make any impression. Have you heard of it? Do you know someone who came from this place? Where is it in the Philippine map? What to see in Quirino?

These questions that can’t be answered in an instant ignited my curiosity and made me want to visit the place. I wanted to find out for myself. Continue reading